Payroll Services
While I love bookkeeping, I absolutely adore payroll. There are no short cuts, there are no tricks, there is only one way to do payroll properly and I really appreciate that.
Whether you need someone to run payroll from top to bottom, someone to deal with the tax deposits every month or quarter, or just process the quarterly and annual returns, I’ve got you covered.
There are many different options for how to process payroll and if you’re a new company, you’re learning about them. There’s paper checks, direct deposit checks, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, taxes, benefit deductions, etc etc etc. I can help you! I’ve processed payrolls with as many as 70 employees and with as many as 6 different states represented (along with their individual disability insurances). I enjoy the “project” at the end of each pay period and if you don’t, I’d love to help.